More Art and 'Almost Final' Version Available

Firstly some additional cool artists who are in the next version. All of them were a pleasure to work with and you should check them out:

  • I've been a big fan of James V West since The Pool, so delighted to grab a few of his evocative pieces, including this robot. 
  • The excellent Rob Turpin, aka @thisnorthernboy, did this this cool cityscape I couldn't go past.  
  • Munkao's work is always inspiring, but the emotion of this woman with dagger really jumped out at me.
  • Johan Nohr's art and design for Mork Borg and the remastered Into the Odd is legendary, so delighted to snag this dungeon entrance.
  • Francisco Lemos has some very evocative art, so I'm excited to add these dwarves mining and a few other pieces. Expanded their itch presence, so definitely worth a follow.
  • This awesome solarpunk piece by Wandering Meomeo made a great double-spread for the start of the 'Worlds' section.
  • Jeff Zugale draws a starship every single day, and they are all as good as this Sunfish. 
  • There is also lot's more artists I couldn't fit in this post to check out.

There is also an updated version of the Toolkit available. The focus is still the same, but it has jumped to over 250 pages and 41k words. You are not going to see anything radically different in terms of content, just more worlds and techniques you can use, and lots more art to make it look nice.

I'm calling this version 'Almost Final', because the only further changes I expect are just to edit a few typos, add the alt-text, and adjust any of the art or layout that doesn't work when I do a test print. So you can read this new version without worrying you'll need to re-read 'Final' version when it comes in a few months. The 'Final' will still be a free PDF and also an at cost print version. I'm still mulling softcover versus hardcover for the 'Final', so if you want a physical let me know in the comments if you have a preference.

If you see typos drop them in the chat below with the page number. I don't care about making Named popular, but keen for the small niche of people who dig this type of toolkit to find it, so if you like it give it a rating.

Listened to Diogo Nogueira's Weird Games and Weirder People Podcast and heard Huffa talking about their upcoming book which is a different take on the long-form toolkit approach I've used for Named. You can check out an earlier approach called Between the Skies for free on itch and follow them for updates.

Get Named Toolkit


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I'd be interested in a softcover version.


This is a great update to which already was a very solid toolkit. The art is excellent too. I'd love to buy a dead-tree version (any chance of an A5/digest size?).

Thanks! Definitely A5 size. Leaning towards a softcover from Lulu at this stage, pending the quality of the test print I’ve ordered.


Cool! I hope it will be available soon :)

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Oooh, I always say I’m a text-only guy not easily impressed by art, but these are some of my favourite illustrators. Excellent stuff!